Realizing that you need mental and emotional support may be easy but voicing it can be difficult for anyone, even most adults. Teenagers and children tend to struggle with it the worst.
When it comes to sharing emotion and scary thoughts, it’s human nature to to close off due to fear and anxiety. You might feel embarrassed or feel like your parents won’t understand. But the truth of the matter is that addressing your concerns is the only way to get the help you need.
I can speak from experience. I grew up with adults who did not understand psychology and why it was necessary to see a psychiatrist. Now, I spend a lot of time educating others of the importance of seeing a psychiatrist.
I’ve been working in healthcare for more than 10 years and recently moved into the provider role. I’m passionate about helping people get the help they deserve when it comes to mental health care, so let’s address some common questions when it comes to talking to parents about getting help.

Why is it so difficult for me to tell my parents that I’m having mental health problems? Mental health issues are not on everyone’s radar. In fact, you are more likely to receive a diagnosis and medication from your Primary Care Provider (PCP) than a specialist in the field of mental health. You should be honest and upfront with your parents as soon as your issues start. Don’t wait. How can I talk to my parents about my mental health? Take time to figure out what’s bothering you. When you’re ready, find a low-key moment to sit down with your parents. Explain how you feel as best as you can and let them know that you want help. The sooner you do it, the sooner you can get the help you need. What if my parents don’t won’t support me and my mental health? The best way to get support is through education. Most times parents won’t lend support because they don’t fully understand the disorder or feelings. Through education, the individual can better understand the reason for mental health awareness. If seeing a psychiatrist or mental health professional is not an option, I would highly advise these steps.
Develop and stick to a sleep schedule
Make sure you are eating 3 meals, breakfast should be rich in protein
Participate in a cardiovascular activity for at least 30 minutes, 3-4 times a week
Even if you are in therapy and on medication, these steps will make therapy and medication work better

What are the signs that my depression is becoming extreme?
You lose interest in hobbies that used to bring you joy
Your sleep cycle may change
Your appetite may change
Your motivation decreases
You withdrawal
You may feel exhausted all the time
If you develop or start having suicidal thoughts, it’s important that you talk to a psychiatrist, a teacher, a parent or any adult immediately.
How can psychiatry or therapy help me?
Mental health experts help individuals make sense of their thoughts and provide the right path to navigate the mental health journey over the course of a lifetime. When you understand your mind and emotions, you are less likely to feel anxiety over it. If you go to therapy, you can learn new skills to eradicate your negative and suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression, and intrusive thoughts. If medication is warranted, it is still suggested to receive therapy. My experience and research shows that the combination of therapy and medication generates the best outcome.
What kind of free support and resources are available?
We are currently working on informational material to include on our website as a resource for people, whether they’re a patient or not. This information will help individuals understand their mental health more and can reduce anxious thoughts.